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Junte Boricua: Plan your Summer Bash!

The GFR Media project invites you to get together with family, friends, and neighbors, as well as to call up fellow Puerto Ricans who live outside our homeland

May 23, 2024 - 11:00 PM

The objective behind Junte Boricua is to motivate the arrival of Puerto Ricans who live outside the country, so they can reconnect with their people and roots. (JOSIAN BRUNO)

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Any excuse is always good to reunite with family, friends or neighbors. This time, Junte Boricua invites you to get together on the Island, where you can tour and visit the charming 78 municipalities of the Boricua archipelago.

Monta tu Junte, the new initiative launched as part of this GFR Media project, invites the public to plan events, large and small, that promote unity, community sharing and the creation of memories. However, this invitation is not extended to just any place; it is meant to take place between the months of May and August in any of the municipalities within our 100x35 island.

“Since we first envisioned the idea of Junte Boricua, our goal has been, in addition to attracting an additional 50,000 Puerto Ricans living abroad this summer, to bring together people who live in Puerto Rico and abroad and reunite them here. That’s why we are launching Monta tu Junte,” explained Joana Santiago Vázquez, executive director of Junte Boricua.

“We want them to come back to the island, have their events and share their experiences with us. The idea is to do this between the months of May and August, which is when Junte Boricua will be held in Puerto Rico,” the executive added.

For those who wish to reconnect with their people or for Boricuas living abroad to reconnect with their roots, Monta tu Junte is shaping up to be a short-term opportunity to do just that.

In fact, Junte Boricua will be sharing photos of all the events planned as part of Monta tu Junte. To be part of this, all you have to do is send your content to montatujunte@gfrmedia.com.

Junte Boricua is a heritage and cultural tourism initiative that invites Puerto Ricans living in the United States and around the world to visit the island this summer.

“Junte Boricua aims to attract Puerto Ricans living abroad to visit tourist sites, enjoy our cuisine and accommodations, and learn about their roots, as well as other attractions, from May through August. This project also aims to reconnect Puerto Ricans with their loved ones and become advocates of the charms this archipelago has to offer,” noted Santiago Vázquez

As part of the project, more than 100 events will be promoted throughout the island, including the First Puerto Rican Day Parade to be held on the island on May 18, and La Campechada, the grand finale, scheduled for August 31.

Monta tu Junte

In addition to participating in over 100 events taking place throughout the island from May through August, you can also host your own get-together.

To do so, plan your event and invite family, friends and loved ones, especially those who are part of our diaspora. It could be a class reunion, a get-together with old friends, or even a family gathering with relatives you may not always get to see.

Share your photos with GFR Media and they will be featured as part of the project. You can send your content to montatujunte@gfrmedia.com.

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