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prima:LUMA Energy starts assembly works of megatransformer in Santa Isabel

The consortium indicated that during the next few days it will carry out rigorous tests on the equipment, while there is still concern about possible interruptions in the area of Boquerón, in Cabo Rojo

June 24, 2024 - 8:10 PM

During Saturday afternoon, the transformer was moved inside the substation and placed on its base to begin the testing process, assembly of the parts that were removed to facilitate transportation and proceed with the connection. LUMA announced that the process to safely energize the transformer will take about four weeks. (Suministrada)

Once placed on its base at the Santa Isabel substation, LUMA Energy reported Sunday that it is now in the process of assembling the components of the mega-transformer that will replace the broken unit that, since June 2, affects the power service for the residents of the municipality, as well as those of Coamo and Aibonito.

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