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prima:William Villafañe is ready to work alongside Jenniffer González and help overcome internal disputes

At the moment, the New Progressive Party’s candidate for resident commissioner in Washington is not choosing a strong opponent among Pablo José Hernández, Ana Irma Rivera Lassén and Viviana Ramírez Morales

June 5, 2024 - 10:30 AM

As a candidate for Washington, Villafañe has included in his agenda to create working committees in each of the 435 representative districts and a caucus on Puerto Rico in Congress. (Ramon "Tonito" Zayas)

Washington D.C. - William Villafañe, newly elected New Progressive Party (PNP) candidate for resident commissioner in Washington, is not considering who between Senator Ana Irma Rivera Lassén and Pablo José Hernández will be his strongest opponent in the November general elections in Puerto Rico.

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