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Somos Yauco: Living, Breathing, Being, and Existing

Isabel Ferré Sadurní's photo essay highlights the municipality’s natural beauty and exceptional biodiversity

April 25, 2024 - 11:00 PM

View from Pico Rodadero in Yauco. (Isabel Ferré Sadurní)

Lee la historia en español aquí.

Yauco.- Generosity and abundance, connection and balance, creation and transmutation, patience and presence...

These are some of the many teachings that Mother Nature offers us through her flora and fauna on a daily basis. She talks to us every day; we just have to be willing to receive her cues. When we stop and pay attention, we immediately connect with all our senses and thus, we open up to receiving her messages. Photography, in fact, implies the same: stopping, not to hear and look, but to listen and see. To feel.

It is then that we become aware of the different lives, entities, beings, and various perspectives that surround us, from microscopic to macroscopic lives, both reflections of infinity. It is at that moment that we forget about our mundane problems and, in turn, we intuitively connect and understand the greatness and the essence of life: to live, to breathe, to be, and to exist.

Nature is the most beautiful expression, and the evidence of the miracle that each of us is; living, breathing, being, and existing. Isn’t that how we can see the green lizard carefully observing its surroundings? Isn’t that how we can see the red dragonfly when it perches on a leaf, drying out the tiny droplets that hang from its tiny front legs? Isn’t that how the kestrel dances in the wind, ceaselessly watching the slightest movements from above to catch its next prey? Aren’t these the clues that nature gives us every day to remind us to truly live, breathe, be, and exist?

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